Turrets & Tumbleweeds
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Turrets and Tumbleweeds is an FPS Tower Defense game that I worked on along with four other developers. I filled the role of a Technical Game Designer during the development of this project, programming player mechanics for the game. This includes all dynamics of the player character, like movement, abilities, weapon mechanics, and interaction system. Additionally, I designed the mastery level in the game, which is the final level.
Tools Used:
Unreal Engine 5
4 Months
Team Size:
5 Developers and 3 artists
Programmer, Level Designer
My Responsiblities
Program all player mechanics.
Level Design for Mastery Level.
QA for bugs or crashes.
Optimization smoother gameplay.
Implementing art assets.
Game Synopsis
'Turrets and Tumbleweeds' is an FPS Tower Defense game set during the Wild West cowboy era. The main protagonist is a rookie Sheriff officer, new to law enforcement and seeking to make a change is the world. While in training, the rookie finds himself in the midst of a robot invasion. They have come seeking a piece technology that they believe was stolen from them. The Sheriff, unaware of what's going on, does what he knows how to do best. Shoot everything in sight!!!
Mechanics I worked on
Player Movement
The Player can sprint and jump during gameplay. The Sprint speed is twice as fast as the walk speed, making the player incentivized to use the sprint ability as a more viable option compared to walking. The jump ability is a single jump action that allows the player to reach low ledges in the game, a meter off the ground.
The Player is given a rifle with both automatic and semi-auto firing capabilities. This rifle can hold up to 30 rounds with 1 in the chamber giving players a total of 31 rounds of ammunition per magazine. Rifle is can be used to kill enemies in game by using 'Left Mouse Button.'
Turret Spawn Base
The Turret Spawn Base is used by players to place any weapon turret that they have purchased from the store. After a turret has been placed, it would become fully functional automatically. Players can sell a turret they no longer want by accessing the screen connected to the Turret Spawn Base. When a turret is sold, the player will receive a reimbursement of half the amount the turret was purchased for.
Weapon Upgrade Card
The Weapon Upgrade Card is a pickup within the game that deals increased damage to all enemy types. This item can be found throughout levels or dropped by 'Hunter' enemy types on a probability based system. Once picked up, the upgrade can be activated by pressing 'Q' and then firing the weapon. This upgrade lasts for 30 seconds.
Health Turret
Healing Turrets are an effective way for the player to regain health lost throughout waves. This item can be bought from the in-game store for a low price. Additionally, the player can only use a single health turret at a time. After each round usage, the player would have to purchase a new health turret.
Explosive Barrel
Explosive Barrels serve as a viable option of dealing damage to enemies in groups. The explosive barrels have distance based damage, meaning the closer an actor is to this object, the more damage they will be dealt. If a player is killed by this object, they will have to restart the level.
Damage Indicators
Damage indicators allow for player to know when their gun or utility has damaged an enemy combatant. These indicators will be displayed above the enemy's left shoulder when they take damage. The number damage done to the enemy is shown by the damage indicator.
Level Design
In 'Turrets & Tumbleweeds,' I was the level designer for the fifth and final level of the game. This level is the mastery level of the game, allowing player to use all the features and mechanics that they've learnt so far while playing the game with our IPM model. I had the idea of making a saloon for this level and that's what I did. The saloon I had in mind was of one that was looked at as more than a bar. In the level I built, the saloon has bars, a dance floor, a casino, a lounge, a staircase hall and seating villas. The level took me two weeks to design and I took an additional week to add some polish and details to the level.